Lower the heating costs of your water, hot tubs and pools by changing over to a heating system that is run by solar power. Solar water heaters tap into the abundant and free energy offered by the sun. Water heated by other methods, like natural gas, propane, or electricity, is not an efficient method. Certain upgrades, though expensive, qualify for specific tax deductions.

You can easily get solar panels installed in your home to collect solar energy for your use. Before you do this though, you need to think about a few things first. One of the main things to consider prior to installing solar panels is the amount of sunlight your home gets. If your home does not get a lot of sunlight, then solar panels will be pretty useless.
Do maintenance on your fridge to save money. Because refrigerators use so much energy, it really pays to keep them working as efficiently as possible. Keep heating coils dust free. You should also be sure that the door has a clean and tight seal.
Electric heaters should only be used when necessary in order to be more green. Rather, purchase some warmer clothes for your family and use a pellet stove or fireplace to heat up the living areas. An additional benefit to limiting the amount of electrical heaters is that it helps prevent your airways from becoming dry, resulting in better breathing.
If you'd like to cut down your hot water bill, look into using solar energy. Purchase a hot water system that uses solar energy. Your options include direct circulation systems and indirect ones. Indirect systems are the best option for those who have frozen pipes during the winter.
You can use biofuels as home heating fuels. These fuels are comprised of oils, woods, vegetable, or animal fats. A propane furnace can be converted to use these types of fuels, or fuel blends. You would be able to use anywhere from 20 to 99 percent biodiesel. Always consult with professionals prior to using this type of fuel in the home.
Cover your windows when no one is at home. This cools your home's interior and keeps energy usage down while you're away. Typically, windows that face south are positioned so that they receive the most sun. Cover all of these windows with curtains, blinds or roller shades.
Use a laptop for your computing needs rather than a power hungry desktop. By doing this you could be saving around 75% off your electric bill, especially if you constantly use the Internet or type up papers. The laptop has the added benefit of being portable, so you can use it anywhere!
Watch your watt usage. There are devices like Watt Minder or Kill-A-Watt that can monitor your wattage and help you see what is consuming energy. Plug your appliances in to these devices to find out what amount of energy is required each year, month or hour to run it. This gives you a much better idea of the real costs associated with each appliance you own.
Each home's layout is different and located in different places. Because each home is different, the green energy tips that will be appropriate will differ as well. Some things work well for modern house designs, and others don't work at all. Figure out what tips work for your household and make sure you utilize them.
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