Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Green Energy Advice You Should Know About

Has green energy been something you've thought about but have never had the chance to learn about? It can often seem too expensive or difficult to try. By reading this helpful energy efficient article, you will step into the future and begin to see a change for the better in your home.

When it's hot outside, wear clothing made of natural materials rather than running the air conditioner. Natural materials like cotton repel moisture from your skin and allow it to stay cool. If you wear lighter colors, you will also feel cooler than if you wore black or another dark color.
Wash clothes with cold water, as much as you can. Almost 90% of the energy you use when you do laundry is due to heating water. If your detergent is of good quality, you should have no problems using cold water. Additionally, do not run the washer until it is full so as to maximize your energy use.
Be a smarter energy consumer by unplugging your electronic device chargers when they are not in use. Many chargers for various electronics continue to draw electricity even if they are not plugged into a device. The energy usage is not as high, but it wastes electricity and adds up to a considerable amount over time.

Maintain your furnace to save energy. Replace filters annually and clean them once a month. Adding filters to warm-air registers is also beneficial. This will keep everything out of the air ducts, keeping your energy efficiency high.

Pay attention to any federal or local rebates offered for making alternative-energy updates to your home. In some situations, your local utility company may provide rebates to offset some of the cost of such upgrades. You may also qualify for tax credits or deductions from your state or from the federal government. These rebates and credits can substantially reduce the cost of installing green energy technology in your home.

Try drying your laundry outside in the sun whenever possible, rather than using a dryer. You'll love how your clothes smell after being sun-dried. It is a fresher smell than you would get from the dryer. Also, using your dryer less will save you money in energy costs on your utility bills each month.

Do not use your dishwasher unless it contains a full load of dishes. It makes use of a fixed amount of energy no matter the amount of dishes it has. When the dishwasher is used, it is also important to use the main energy-saving feature, which air-dries the dishes.

Batteries need to be situated closely to the cells in solar power systems. This procedure guards against power loss as energy travels through the cable. Additionally, the cable cannot shade the cells, which can cause reduction in generation.

If you are interested in solar power learn about the difference between active and passive power. Active power can be stored for later use. Passive power must be utilized more quickly but no expensive storage cells are required. Active solar power requires solar panels, cells, and mechanical systems. Passive solar power is simply making use of the sun to keep thermal energy in your walls so you can heat your home.

Everyone can enjoy the benefits of going green. Green energy not only protects the environment, but also saves money.

If you want your home to be as eco friendly as possible, visit this link: Eco Friendly House

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